JanineZ has added the topics InternetHome networkingWLAN and removed the topic Product questions ().
Good morning @Keukeumpeu17
Yes, you can customise the WLAN times in your MySwisscom. You can find all the information here: https://www.swisscom.ch/de/privatkunden/hilfe/internet/wlan-verwalten.html#ruhezeiten
I hope this helps you a little.
Best regards
4 days later
JanineZ My question was not about the WLAN router, but only about the WLAN Repeter. In other words, I only want to switch off the Repeter at certain times, e.g. at night, as it is too close to the bed. I would only need the Repeter during the day for the lawnmower.
This is only possible with a separate timer. This switches the power of the repeater on/off once at the desired time
….keep on rockin'