VPN - No connection (Android 11 & L2TP)

Hello everyone

I still have an Android 11 phone (Nokia 7.2). VPN with L2TP is therefore active on my IB4 (IKEv2 is not available on Android 11). I followed the Swisscom instructions exactly. Until a few months ago this worked without any problems. But when I tried to use the VPN again today, it stopped working. I can’t get a connection anymore.

However, the same VPN connection still works without any problems with the same parameters on my Windows 11 PC. I turned off the router firewall as a test, but no success. Router firmware is up to date (14.20.32/02211). IP address used in the settings instead of the DNS name doesn’t work either. And even tested on an IB2 with L2TP, didn’t get a connection either…

Does anyone have an idea as to what this could be? Is Android 11 no longer supported/blocked by Swisscom VPN via L2TP?

Thanks for your help!

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a month later


Do you have the option to connect “IKEv2” as a VPN?


N.B. Android 11 was the last major update the devices received. Google has stopped providing the two cell phones with new updates since December 2020.

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Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.


The IKEv2 protocol is not available on my cell phone (Nokia 7.2), otherwise I would have switched. Actually, IKEv2 should be implemented from Android 11 onwards, but unfortunately this is not the case in my model. Another Nokia phone (3.2), also still running Android 11, was switched to IKEv2. The protocol change was not only dependent on the manufacturer, but also on the model.

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