Spookym Any update and solution on the following thread? https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Archiv-Internet/Port-Forwarding-not-allowed/td-p/632458 Network Settings -> Port forwarding shows: Your Internet-Box has not been assigned a public internet IP address. This service is therefore not available. Port forwarding not available.
Black Mamba @Spookym informations here Port forwarding and UPnP: connect devices within t… | Swisscom Community
Spookym Sorry, but I don’t understand how this post is supposed to be a solution to the greyed out and non-editable settings page?
r00t Hi @Spookym Please contact the swisscom support and ask them to assign a public IP address to your router. As soon as you have a public routable address you will be able to configure the port forwarding. call 0800 800 800 or visit https://swisscom.ch/contact Best, r00t