Here you have to distinguish which time has expired. There is a point in time when the manufacturer no longer brings out new releases for a device x, but the relevant point in time when security patches are no longer delivered may not be until many years later. Here’s an example:
The iPhone 5s was released in 2013 (iOS 7.0)
The last iOS for this device was in 2018 (iOS 12.0)
Last week Apple released a security update for this device (iOS 12.5.7)
In terms of security, you are still up-to-date even with a device that is almost 10 years old.
In principle, the investment protection for Apple devices is much higher than for other manufacturers. In the meantime, various manufacturers of Android devices have increased their support times. However, this only applies to devices of the latest generation, i.e. not retroactively.
>… Why only iPhone?…
there are other models, such as OPPO or Samsung, see on this page
Online purchase of used cell phones | Swisscom
In May 2022, I bought a refurbished iPhone 7 because I wanted the same model as the one that had just died. However, this refurbished device has never been efficient in terms of battery. From the start, the recharge did not last. Currently, I often have to recharge it twice in the same day. It’s tiring. For the rest it works very well. Because of this battery problem, I will not buy a refurbished device, even if the price is attractive. I am very disappointed.
@Stadiobu85 Hello
_**-"In May 2022, I bought a refurbished iPhone 7 because I wanted the same model as the one that had just given up the ghost. However, this refurbished device has never performed well in terms of battery . From the start, the recharge did not hold.
As you noticed, why didn’t you run the warranty?
..@doremi: because at the beginning, knowing that a refurbished device has a battery guaranteed at a little more than 80% of its original capacity but not 100%, I thought that it was normal that it is not more efficient. It then gradually decreased in capacity and now it’s horror. You should know that the warranty only lasts 6 months and that 6 months goes by quickly.
in any case I know full well that I would have been told that this was normal for a reconditioned device….and you have to go to the shop or return the device and I didn’t have another one. So here it is…
Hello, I had the experience of buying two refurbished iPhones, and I was very disappointed with my purchases, in both cases, the battery did not last. Just a few weeks. After extensive research, it turned out that the batteries installed in these iPhones were very cheap and poor quality Chinese batteries.
I no longer have confidence in this type of purchase.
no offense to the ecology, I only buy new, at least we are good for several years and afterwards, it is always possible to replace the battery directly from Apple or Swisscom, and we leave with a battery of origin that will be sustainable.