We received the new TV box last week and have just installed it.

We are also VERY disappointed with the black appearance. Many unimportant default settings can be changed, but not this central setting. We cannot understand why Swisscom is anticipating the customer here and not simply giving them the choice between “black” and “white” as before. I clearly expect Swisscom to implement this choice again.

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@Seppl17 wrote:

@Gumbalaya, don’t say nonsense.

Very respectful?!?

It’s better to leave it at that @Gumbalaya there are some people here who are the same and the others have to stick to the rules otherwise they will get warnings from the admins.

@Seppl17 wrote:

EOS4 with its dark mode and other changes was already announced last year, months before the rollout actually took place! Anyone who was here in the forum or on the SC website knew what was coming for a long time.

How was it with this forum @Seppl17 & @DomiP???

I thought users help users, you always underlined it! Now suddenly this is supposed to be an official SC channel to announce new developments???

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Well, first of all, I didn’t insult or defame him. I just said that he was saying something that was wrong with the term “nonsense.” I didn’t say he was an idiot or an idiot etc. With you, many users here and I would probably have more reason to resort to insults when I think about what you have said in the past few months. This forum helps users, for users, who said it is an official SC channel? News is also included, otherwise all you need is a hotline. Think about the crap you’ve been putting out here every now and then for months.

Again for you, I’m almost 60 and wear glasses. But I think SC did a great job. I am not “affiliated” with SC, have no shares and have no connection to the company other than being a customer.

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Finally stop digging up bones…

The topic of dark mode has been discussed in detail in this thread,

I summarize: There are supporters and opponents of OS4….

But all new contributions are only built on a personal basis and bring

nothing new on the topic….

Time will tell whether Swisscom will offer an alternative or not…


Try to help other customers with other topics…

and: stay healthy, LG tinu

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Why can’t I choose whether I want a white or black background on the TV? My colleague can do that. He also has Swisscom TV, but pays more. Because of this? Books and newspapers all have a white background and black writing.

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Hello @homeandaway2020

Switching to white is no longer possible since the update to the new version 4.0

YOUR colleague probably still has the very old TV HD box with the black glass lid. There are no more software updates for this box. And it’s still running on version 3.xx

Greetings Lorenz

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For books and newspapers it would also be much more expensive if white letters were printed on a black background. Dark mode is currently in fashion in IT. You also save electricity and the display lasts longer.

The fact that not everyone likes DarkMode has been hotly discussed elsewhere in the forum for weeks, so we shouldn’t open a parallel discussion on the same topic here.

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Hello @homeandaway2020

I work with print media and it would be much more expensive to print white text with black paper, but the comparison of paper to the monitor is not relevant.

But the fact that your colleague pays more than you is probably due to the choice of subscription. This has nothing to do with the background.

Stay healthy, LG tinu

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  • hed likes that.
16 days later

Since I detest and hate this new menu like the plague…..
Did I understand it correctly? If I get an old TV box from the attic I have my old OS again where “real Swisscom TV” is instead of “junk TV menu” for corrupted ones??

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@Fonzi1971 wrote:

Did I understand it correctly? When I get an old TV box from the attic I have my old OS again

Yes, but it has to be a TV2.0 box. So the square, white one with a black lid.

Swisscom TV1.0 boxes don’t work

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….keep on rockin'


My personal opinion is that there is no doubt that amateurs were at work here. It’s not usual for Swisscom to cheer us on with the Teleclub package because of the Corona crisis. Something must have gone wrong at the top of the administration. Yo, Black is no-go and out anyway, but if it was just white it would still be possible…
To find a film I have to do 1000 more clicks than before, no overview anymore… just rubbish!! Looks like Salt or Apple, or Netflix. User-unfriendly on all levels for me. The most important thing is the unnecessary and overview-obscuring preview image that should actually be OFF and can only be activated when necessary, e.g. for old people, the menu buttons are unnecessarily large, etc. etc.
In terms of quality, we have fallen back 15 years here.

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@POGO 1104

I’ve been with Swisscom for half my life, and precisely because of the TV menu, which was better than the crap sold by the competition.
I have all the routers and TV boxes that have been around since the beginning.

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I’m currently testing…

I connected the old TV box.
He’s got 3.1 on it so far… but it’s loading infinitely in the Home menu.
Is it perhaps updating to 3.2? Home somehow doesn’t come…

After 15 minutes there is still no home screen but everything else works and is white.
I’m now doing a good old reset, let’s see if I can cure the box of the Apple virus.

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After the reset, I installed the upgrade to 3.2 and now everything is back to how it was.

How can it be that a customer has to downgrade and use old hardware in order to receive the service the way they have always been used to and would still like to have it? This means high-quality operation. I don’t pay a cent for junk like salt or similar providers.

When I think about the older people mentioned in the thread, I say unproductive and at the same time outrageously inconsiderate.
It underlines the amateurish (almost underhanded) methods used here to sell “NEW MODERN SWISSCOM TV” as brilliant and good. It’s anything but Swisscom TV it’s definitely not.

I also read between the lines that black is because of energy consumption…
Anyone who claims this is certainly one of those who believes in the myth of renewable energy in the same way as in the “perpetuum mobile”.
That’s why I would like to ask you to take care of your salad and don’t tell fairy tales.
Anyone who can afford and wants a Swisscom TV package sees the annual -.75 centimes extra electricity costs as “peanuts”.
It’s not about costs but about amateurish work methods accompanied by ignorance and lack of experience in marketing and customer satisfaction.
I am convinced that this is an internal problem at Swisscom due to the crisis.

I can’t explain it any other way. I can only hope that “we’ll get the cap” and this menu will be removed.

PS: @POGO 1104 Hey thanks a lot, I’m back again with “SWISSCOM TV”.

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@Herby what or where do you search and write when you’re looking for a solution to your TV problem with your provider? At the pharmacy?

Are you vegan with Blackscreen Menu? hahahahaha

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