I’m having some problems putting the IB3 into operation on my G.fast Anschluss

— IB3 Connected switched on it flashes red white Certainly waited 40 minutes.

— Performed a reset on recommendation. Switched off/on. Still flashing red/white after 1 hour.

— Switched off again. Replaced new GF cable. Turned on

Flashes red/white again after an hour.

— I’ve now given up and my IB 2 is connected and works fine.

Try to connect the IB 3 overnight and let it search with the hope of having a connection tomorrow.


So I let the IB 3 search the whole night. Conclusion.. Still flashing red/white.

There is also no internet connection via Swisscom.com/Start.

WiFi doesn’t work either. No internet.

I also don’t have access to the router because there is no internet connection.

Definitely suspect a hardware problem. IB2 works perfectly.

But what’s funny is that there’s TV…

But I’ve now connected the IB 2 again. I can’t get any further.

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Internet box access should work with password 1234 if there is no internet. or after a reset without internet access!

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  • Thommy has responded to this post.


    So now the IB3 has been on the line again since this morning.

    No reboot for 4 hours.

    The following suspicion arises for me.

    The IB3 has problems with my WLAN BOXes, because these probably cause the IB3 to crash. (constant reboots)

    There were never any problems with the IB2.

    Let’s see what support will tell me today.

    The measurements don’t look bad.


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    I have 2 WLAN boxes in operation. Basically everything is running stable. But: If you switch off just one or both WLAN boxes, the IB3 will always crash or restart itself. I have already reported this problem.

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    I have 4 WiFi boxes and currently only one is in operation.

    When everything is running, the IB3 reboots on average every 5-15 minutes.

    I didn’t notice any irregularities when switching it on or off.

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    @Thommy wrote:


    I have 4 WiFi boxes and currently only one is in operation.

    When everything is running, the IB3 reboots on average every 5-15 minutes.

    I didn’t notice any irregularities when switching it on or off.

    Which firmware is available?

    [https://www.swisscom.ch/de/privatkunden/hilfe/geraet/heimvernetzung/wlan-box.html](https://www.swisscom.ch/de/privatkunden/hilfe/geraet/heimvernetzung/wlan- box.html)

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    Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

    I still had version 10.02.17 on the WLAN boxes. I have now manually updated both to 10.03.09. I still have the problem, as soon as I restart a box, the IB3 also reboots. I connected both boxes to the IB3 via WLAN. I can’t say whether this problem also occurs via LAN cable. I can live with that at the moment, as it otherwise runs stable and I never disconnect the WLAN boxes from the power, as both have a UHD-TV-Box connected.

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    I have the impression that if you activate the two WLANs 2.4 and 5.0GHz individually on the IB3, i.e. separately, it runs more stable?

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    Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.


    No, I don’t have an iRobot.

    But I have my suspicions about one of the WiFi boxes, it’s reception is at its limit.

    I connected another one, which is more or less nearby, with a network cable.

    Now the other one, which was at the limit in terms of reception, has full reception.

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    I finally received the IB3 yesterday.

    Connected, blinking red 5 minutes, kind of firmware + basic settings update.

    Then I proceeded with IB2 settings restore, and get everything working smoothly.

    Even WLAN-Box get connected.

    Firmware version 11.00.26 / 11.00.08

    Bootloader version 0.5.9m/0.5.12s

    Tested so far: (and working)

    - WLAN-Box pairing ok

    - Local IP Phone (Gigaset S850A) ok

    - HP Phone Davos (get powered by the USB Modem port)

    - Phonebook ok

    - WLAN seams OK

    - Mystrom (everything works) ok

    - Successfully test: Custom Application IP, Cache deactivated, IP Attribution,… ok

    - WLAN Power On ok

    - Coreded telephones off ok

    - Brightness off ok

    - Home app (seams ok)

    - Call list ok

    - WLAN synchronization ok

    - DHCP ok

    - IP v6 ok

    - Network topology ok (I have fully Ubiquiti network, no issue at all)


    - Tethering via USB

    Optical signal:

    Upstream -5.217 dBm

    Downstream -8.386 dBm

    RAM usage seems high: 587/1024 MB

    Missing Translation:

    [K] WLAN standard (more explanation required on how it works)


    - If a new WLAN-Box will be released, I am ready to beta test as well.

    - Same for new Service Access / Access change

    - Please change my Public Internet IP Address

    - debug file is quite huge (10mb) with lots of

    “Oct 17 13:26:35 (none) dhcpv6d_plugin[2855]: dhcpv6d - [!]Option[21] not yet supported - (dhcpv6d_packet_addORO@src/dhcpv6d_packet.c:350)”

    Today, on the IB3, the DECT problem with the current firmware, which was already known from the IB2, struck me for the first time:

    - When a call comes from outside, it only rings once, then immediately redirects to Combox

    - When calling outside, you can hear the person you are calling, but the person you are calling cannot hear the caller

    - restarting the IB (whatever model) temporarily solves the problem

    The fact that the current DECT problem with the other Internet boxes also occurs on the IB3 just shows, in my opinion, that the actually very desirable IT modularization has worked with regard to DECT, because maintaining an independent DECT module for each box would be technical nonsense.

    But it would be nice if the DECT update for all boxes came relatively quickly, because once you have the problem, it’s really annoying and my wife is already telling all her friends to only call their cell phones if possible , because the Swisscom landline network is simply no longer reliable.

    So please increase the priority of the firmware DECT error even further if there is still room for maneuver.

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    Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom

    @iPing don’t use the USB-Port of the modem to power the Davos Phone. In first Time you will be no problems with it, but later problems could occur.


    Hello Thomas, thanks for your tip. After I deleted the unpaired WB in the IB3 GUI, it connected without any problems. I would never have thought of this inherently stupid solution. 😉

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    @Chips wrote:


    Hello Thomas, thanks for your tip. After I deleted the unpaired WB in the IB3 GUI, it connected without any problems. I would never have thought of this inherently stupid solution. 😉

    That’s why I asked the question at the link below! 🙂

    [https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Router-Hardware/Teste-die-neue-Internet-Box-3/m-p/585279#M25972](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Router- Hardware/Test-the-new-Internet-Box-3/m-p/585279#M25972)

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    Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.