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Release notes are not up to date

Level 2
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The release notes for the myCloud Desktop App are not up to date.

The app on macOS says that the current installed version is 23.3.3.


myCloud Desktop App - StatusmyCloud Desktop App - Status


However, clicking on the link "Release Notes" does not show any information about this update. Neither does it show any changelogs from other version 23.X.X updates.



As of today, it still shows information about version 22.41.1.

Changing the language on the site does not change anything.


myCloud - Release NotesmyCloud - Release Notes


I'd like to know what changes have been made, especially since there are

  1. major version updates without any information about changes
  2. a lot of minor updates, at least 2-3 a week
  3. the service is not free

Why are the release notes not up to date?


Accepted Solutions
5 of 5

Hello @Acranius (and all others who read along),


There was a problem with the provision of the latest desktop app versions so certain users were provided with developer versions (23.3.6) to install. Therefore, this version is not included in the release notes. We apologize for any confusion and inconvenience this may have caused.


The latest official version is 22.41.1. To have the best experience, we recommend downloading and installing this version from the following link: https://desktop.mycloud.ch/


Thank you for your understanding.


Kind regards,


Swisscom Mitarbeiter
Employé Swisscom
Swisscom employee
Swisscom Mitarbeiter
Employé Swisscom
Swisscom employee
4 Comments 4
Black Mamba
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2 of 5



> ... The app on macOS says that the current installed version is 23.3.3. ... Why are the release notes not up to date?


@DomiP or @LucasT an idea to help ?

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Un "Like" fait toujours plaisir / Valider une réponse comme "Solution"
Super User
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I am afraid, I do not have any access to any changelogs either. But maybe @ThomasS knows who got the most recent update on this case.


Furthermore, there was a Post in our german part: https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Archiv-E-Mail-Apps/myCloud-Release-Notes/td-p/447275


They said "this time we'll keep it up to date"... They stopped updating it in 2017 😞

Chi ha prescha perda seis temp. Resta pachific!
Gruess, Cordial salids, Cordialement, Cordiali Saluti, Cheers!

Chi ha prescha perda seis temp. Resta pachific!
Gruess, Cordial salids, Cordialement, Cordiali Saluti, Cheers!

Level 2
4 of 5

Another day, another new version without any information in the release notes:


While the regular updates are commendable, the missing information is not.

5 of 5

Hello @Acranius (and all others who read along),


There was a problem with the provision of the latest desktop app versions so certain users were provided with developer versions (23.3.6) to install. Therefore, this version is not included in the release notes. We apologize for any confusion and inconvenience this may have caused.


The latest official version is 22.41.1. To have the best experience, we recommend downloading and installing this version from the following link: https://desktop.mycloud.ch/


Thank you for your understanding.


Kind regards,


Swisscom Mitarbeiter
Employé Swisscom
Swisscom employee
Swisscom Mitarbeiter
Employé Swisscom
Swisscom employee
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