Search filter

Level 1
1 of 8

I have uploaded many old photos and would like to add correct capture time and location.

Is there any way to filter for all photos without location information? 

Alternatively,  would it be possible to locate such photos at a specific place on the globe (eg 0 Lattitude on Equator) where they can be found and subsequently edited?

7 Comments 7
Black Mamba
Super User
2 of 8



With the PC browser and photos on MyCloud, simply hover over the image with the mouse and click in the little circle with a v that appears in the top left-hand corner. Then do the same with the next photo to add an image to the selection. Hovering over the month's name to display the same symbol will select all the month's photos.


If the problem is different, please specify the type of file to be selected, on which device and which program is used.


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Un "Like" fait toujours plaisir / Valider une réponse comme "Solution"
Level 1
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Thanks for you reply, but it is not the answer I'm looking for.

The problem is common to Web access and Apps.

There is a (uselful) feature to filter for photos "not in any album" - what I  want is a filter for photos "without capture location", or alternatively, that such photos can be found at a specific location with the "Places" feature under Albums.

Black Mamba
Super User
4 of 8



maybe @daverupp (myCloud Expert) can help ?

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Un "Like" fait toujours plaisir / Valider une réponse comme "Solution"
myCloud Experte
5 of 8


Such a filter for photos without location is not there yet. We are constantly try to improve the web / mobile experience and we will take a look into such a navigation entry similar to "Not in Album" ... 


A delivery date I cannot promise, but your input is very valuable. Thx for your interest / idea and I wish you a lovely day.


Kind regards

Level 1
6 of 8

Thanks Dave,

Apart from a specific filter, I  suggest using fixed coordinates (eg 0 latitude on equator) on the "places" option for Albums.

The option to edit capture time and location is great for old photos, but only if you can search/filter for them.


myCloud Experte
7 of 8

Always tricky 🙂 Imagine you have 14K images... and only 7K have location tags.

Such a default long/lat could kill the map on a single pin etc... 


There are always trade-offs to make and challenges. We will think about a possible solution for the future.


Thx again for your interest into the product.


Level 1
8 of 8

Good point Dave!

I don't have so many untagged photos ( which is why I have trouble to find them among several thousand images) but had not thought globally.

I have noticed the map function can be slow when searching globally.

Maybe a filter function could return a limit of 100 tags for each search?


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