- Solutionselected by SamuelD
Would you like to operate on a Centro Business or on a Swisscom INternetbox?
With “external” SIP credentials you can see:
[https://www.swisscom.ch/de/privatkunden/hilfe/festnetz/sip-credentials.html#T=557bd047-68f0-4f83-88e1-1d719b26592e&TS=pH0-FYopTcn7Slk51W0HWoNdwBu8Xw4IghdINrXClR4] (https://www.swisscom.ch/de/privatkunden/hilfe/festnetz/sip-credentials.html#T=557bd047-68f0-4f83-88e1-1d719b26592e&TS=pH0-FYopTcn7Slk51W0HWoNdwBu8Xw4IghdINrXClR4)
With local SIP credentials on the Internet box you can see:
I found this in the Digitec forum:
Compact instructions:
Swisscom (local IP telephony access data) -> Mitel (Line 1):
Login Name -> Authentication Name
Login password -> Password
Internal -> Phone Number
Private -> Screen Name
Remaining fields in Basic SIP Authentication Settings empty
Internal IP of the Swisscom router -> Proxy Server, Outbound Proxy Server, Registrar Server
5060 (port number) -> Proxy Port, Outbound Proxy Port, Registrar Port
3600 -> Registration Period
Remaining fields in Basic SIP Network Settings set to or 0, Conference Server URI empty
Remaining fields at standard
My two Mitel phones work with this. I have two lines from Swisscom. Both phones ring when there are incoming calls on both numbers. They use the line light or ringtone to indicate which number is being called. I have defined 4 connections on the Swisscom router (a Anschluss for each telephone and each of my numbers). For outgoing calls you can choose which number you use to go out.
You can talk to each other internally, although that wasn’t a requirement.
[https://www.digitec.ch/de/s1/QuestionAndAnswer/will-this-phone-be-compatible-with-the-new-swisscom-internet-box-as-they-close-their-analogue-connec -70417] (https://www.digitec.ch/de/s1/QuestionAndAnswer/will-this-phone-be-compatible-with-the-new-swisscom-internet-box-as-they-close-their-analogue-connec -70417)
….keep on rockin'
Hello @POGO 1104,
the instructions sound somehow logical. Unfortunately the phone always shows “no service”.
By the internal IP of the Swisscom Box is meant the IP of the application part of the box or the IP with which it functions as a gateway? However, both don’t work.
Do you have another tip? Does the Swisscom Box have a logging function where I can take a look?
Thanks and greetings