Tech support only by phone?

I have no idea if this is the right place, but I wanted to let off some steam and ask for some tips.

Is it really the case that Swisscom only offers tech support by telephone? I had a support question that I asked in the chat but was referred to 0800 800 800. Now the thing is, it would usually be much more practical for me if I could write an email: I don’t always have time to call at home, and I can’t fiddle with my Internet or Swisscom TV very well at work, so that would be it I would prefer if I could describe my problem by email, get an answer asynchronously and then follow up by phone if necessary.

Is this actually no longer possible? Or is it just very hidden? I understand that mail support also has disadvantages, but then please give us options! I also made the comment in the chat, but I’m not sure whether it will actually be forwarded.

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Technical support via email and chat almost always leads to ping pong cases, so it’s not really effective.

The hotline is open 24 hours a day, tech is 7 a.m. to 12 a.m., so no one should find the time.

Otherwise, if it’s just a single question, ask here in the customer help customer forum, or if you have to contact Swisscom directly, FB or Twitter.

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Blowing off steam or technical support are two different things.

In any case, if there are technical problems, direct contact with support is always best, as several questions and answers have to be exchanged during such a conversation.

Here in the community, too, many technical problems can be largely solved or further information can be provided.

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I understand that; On the other hand, I find that telephone support (for me) in most cases means a quarter of an hour of standard solutions, all of which I have already tried. It is clear that support is aimed at those who need support most; It would still be nice if there were other options too. So in 95% of all cases I try everything possible to fix the problem myself because I don’t want to try out the typical cases 1-50 that I’ve already tried every time with the nice support person on the phone. End result: I definitely lose more time than necessary. It would be more practical for me as a customer if I could describe the problem by email and then ask specific questions by phone in the evening.

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I’ve already tried that and received support via email. Despite a detailed description of the problem, the answer only directed me to the hotline.
Apparently there is no provision for processing support cases via email.

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@krypton wrote:

I’ve already tried that and received support via email. Despite a detailed description of the problem, the answer only directed me to the hotline.
Apparently there is no provision for processing support cases via email.

Support via email is probably very time intensive and also requires more staff to process the questions and answers via email.

What’s certainly good is that telephone support is free and therefore there are no big costs.

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Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.