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  • Power LAN can work for years without any problems and the slightest change in the environment (e.g. a disturbing device in the neighbor’s room) can bring the fun to an abrupt end.

    If you have an IB2 and set it up optimally, you should still have good reception on the other floor. Depending on the environment, this can also be problematic; floor heating, for example, can be a “killer” for WiFi. In this case, it is recommended to use a WB on the other floor and this brings us back to the topic of Ethernet LAN to connect the WB to the IB.

    Mostra lingua originale (Tedesco)
  • First of all: There are no “senders” and “receivers”. All PowerLine devices are transmitters AND receivers at the same time. Ex there is no difference between the devices.

    So if you want to connect point And if you then want to connect point Z, you will need a third device at point Z.

    So you’ve probably already done this correctly.

    However, the reasons why PowerLine devices do not work can be very diverse:

    - PowerLine is generally an unreliable technology that often causes problems and, if possible, it is better not to use it at all

    - One of the PowerLine adapters died (happens every now and then=

    - The devices are not “pairing” properly for some reason (in this case reset all PowerLine adapters involved and start again from the beginning. The instructions for your specific adapter should tell you how to do this in your case.)

    - The devices cannot connect to each other (they should always be plugged directly into the wall socket, not into a multiple power strip or something like that)

    Mostra lingua originale (Tedesco)