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    here is additional information provided by @Gaeilgeoir 09/13/2024

    New DAZN prices | Swisscom Community

    Maybe I can help a little, DAZN unlimited (34.90 CHF/month in annual subscription) is in fact the standard, DAZN Super Sport (24.90/month in annual subscription), does not include the Bundesliga and the Champions League and also some channels. DAZN unlimited Plus (54.90 CHF/month in annual subscription) includes exactly the same thing as DAZN unlimited, the difference between the two being that you can run two streams at the same time. If you don’t need that, the unlimited version is probably best.

    Now about the two subscriptions at 34.90, one is DAZN unlimited, as described above in annual subscription (i.e. you can only cancel after one year and pay less per month) , the other is DAZN Super Sports, also described above, in monthly subscription, that is, you can cancel each month, unlike the price indicated above for the annual subscription, but it costs 10 CHF more per month.

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