
You can see your myCloud files directly in File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (macOS) and edit them there. This gives you access to the latest version of your data from anywhere.

All detailed explanations in this section
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  1. press “Go to” in the menu bar and select “Connect to server”.

  2. enter your network address in the “Server address” field and confirm with “Connect”.

  3. enter your user name and WebDAV password from myCloud and confirm.

  4. you will now see myCloud in the Finder.


  1. press the [Windows] and [E] keys simultaneously to open Windows Explorer.

  2. locate the “This PC” item in the bar on the left and click on it with the right mouse button.

  3. select the option “Add network address” and then click on “Next”.

  4. click on “Select a customised network address” and “Next”.

  5. enter your myCloud network address, user name and WebDAV password and confirm.

  6. myCloud is now integrated and appears on the left in Explorer as an independent network drive.

Set up myCloud folder

Create folders in myCloud and manually select which ones you want to synchronise with your computer.

  1. go to “Settings” in the myCloud desktop app.

  2. under “myCloud folders” you will see all your myCloud folders.

  3. now select which folders you want to synchronise and which you do not.

  4. then click on “Apply”.

Unselected myCloud folders will then no longer appear in Explorer (Windows) or Finder (macOS), but will remain saved on myCloud. You can synchronise the folders again at any time and display them on your computer.

This is a warning message.

If you delete files from your myCloud folders on your computer, they will also be deleted in myCloud.

Set up myCloud with WebDAV

With WebDAV, you can access your myCloud files (not photos/videos) directly from your computer without installing the myCloud desktop app. This allows you to edit the files as usual in Explorer (Windows) or Finder (macOS).

Set up WebDAV:

  1. log in to in new window).

  2. go to the settings.

  3. open “WebDAV” and then click on “Activate WebDAV”.

  4. set a password and click on “Save”.

  5. copy the displayed network address. You will need this later.

  6. follow the instructions for your device.

Show original language (German)
changed by Black Mamba

    Black Mamba Thank you for the detailed answer. But unfortunately does not answer my question ;-) My question is: whether I can synchronise a folder SHARED WITH ME (by another person) directly WITH me … not a folder shared BY me …
    Many thanks for further support!

    Show original language (German)


      I don’t think you can synchronise them. However, to check, follow the instructions of @Black Mamba

      In the myCloud desktop application, go to “Settings”.
      under “myCloud Folders”, you see all your myCloud folders.
      now choose the folders you want to sync or not.

      If the folders shared with you are visible in the list, you’ll be able to sync them, but I don’t think that’s the case.


      Show original language (French)

      Hello Bechosio68

      This is not possible, the My Cloud Client only synchronises your folders with your My Cloud storage. However, there are enough free tools on the Internet to synchronise a local folder and a folder on the network.
      Maybe have a look at Heise Heise Download.

      Show original language (German)
      changed by GuidoL

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