Why should passwords no longer be secure? When I’m not posting these on Instagram, they’re still safe and I’ve never had any problems. But if your mobile phone breaks or is lost, then the trouble begins with how to get access again, because the apps usually depend on the registered mobile phone, so it is an absolutely useless technology. At banks you wait from 2 to several days. Or calls to the provider, changing phone numbers is no longer so easy, etc. If you want to make your life even more difficult, then this immature junk is exactly the right way.
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If there was a single provider it would be good. But Google has one and many others, so ultimately you have to have many such apps on your cell phone. And when you can no longer log in, the trouble really begins and you have to wait for days until it works again. So it’s absolute nonsense, the good old password is still the best. Unfortunately I also have to use this nonsense for three logins and have to use three different key apps for them🤣