@YMUH Checking whether a message has been read or not is considered rude and should be avoided, if you ask “always”, no it’s not always possible, some providers and even companies block this function for their customers and employees, so if you do not receive an acknowledgment, you have no certainty whether the message has been read or not. In Bluewin mail it is possible to adjust this, but as I said, in many cases you do not receive a response, whether the mail has been read or not.
Agus fágaimíd siúd mar atá sé
@YMUH I always respond in the same way, however some providers block this function, that the email received, we see it by the fact that we do not receive an error message, if someone the bed then, this is not the case. And if the recipient (and some providers also give the option to indicate “yes” or “no” for a confirmation email), you don’t receive a message. You asked if this was “always” possible and it isn’t. I am not judging here whether it is rude or an unwanted intrusion into the private sphere.
Agus fágaimíd siúd mar atá sé
to the comments of @Gaeilgeoir we could add
even if a recipient accepts the acknowledgment of receipt
This absolutely does not mean that the message was read
moreover this does not constitute any administrative or other proof
“o tempora o mores”
From the Latin tempora (“time”), mores (“mores”). The proverb comes from a work by Cicero, the Catilinarians, and reflects the indignation of the person who uses it with regard to the customs of his time.
times are changing and we have to adapt
- Solutionselected by StéphanieC
Hello @YMUH thank you for your message.
If you use Swisscom Webmail, yes it is possible to activate an acknowledgment of receipt.
Here’s how to do it, go to the 3 small lines at the top left, then go to the Mail section:
Then, when you go to write your email, click on the 3 little dots at the bottom right of the paper clip and select “Request acknowledgment of receipt”.
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