@qwert Hello, this is a forum where customers help customers, we are customers like you here and cannot make any concessions on price. However, you can contact the hotline on 0800 800800 to explain your case.
Agus fágaimíd siúd mar atá sé
Hello @Guffagiest69
What combination of subscriptions/devices are you using and where would you like to go to limit the increase?
@Guffagiest69 wrote:
So you have to switch to a Smart TV, the problem is that only Samsung and LG are compatible. In addition to the price increase, do you have to buy a compatible TV?
Hello Guffagiest69
Exactly why do you want to upgrade to a Smart TV? As @DanielD asked, is this to save anything in particular?
I invite you to consult the various information published on the subject of replay and advertising.
[https://www.swisscom.ch/fr/about/news/2022/09/14-neuerungen-bei-replay-tv.html](https://www.swisscom.ch/fr/about/news/ 2022/09/14-neuerungen-bei-replay-tv.html)
[https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Cha%C3%AEnes-contenus/Publicit%C3%A9-sur-le-Replay-sur-blue-TV-%C3%A0-partir-du-4- October-2022/m-p/725163#M7192] (https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Cha%C3%AEnes-contenus/Publicit%C3%A9-sur-le-Replay-sur-blue-TV-%C3%A0-partir-du-4- October-2022/m-p/725163#M7192)
Good morning,
This might be helpful to you:
I received the same mail as you. I left it hanging a bit but yesterday I contacted Swisscom via WhatSapps.
I wrote to them that I am not interested in their change and furthermore I do not watch television.
I sent this:
Good morning
Following your letter of May 6, 2024, please do not modify my subscription blue TV 5 (5.-)
I don’t want a new product
Their response:
Hello then I can give you a recurring credit on the invoices to keep the same price as you pay now😊
because the TV S(5) will no longer exist from July
I understood that TV S will no longer exist in July, but I wanted to be sure not to pay anything extra because = I didn’t ask for anything = I don’t have to pay anything
Following their response I sent:
I don’t want to pay more for my subscription
Plus I almost never watch television.
Their response:
;>then I can give you a recurring credit on the invoices to keep the same price, you won’t pay anything more 🙂
My answer: So my subscription will not change price?
But there will be a termination délai, when?
;>Their response:
no because I’ll give you a credit on the bills and you’ll also have TV S 🙂
;>the délai of termination there is no for TV
;>My answer: As long as I don’t pay anything extra, it’s good for me;>Thank you
;>Their response: thank you Madam😊😊😊 I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that our experts will be happy to do an insurance check-up for you to see if you can save on your premium.
They will be able to call you and inform you of offers and prices without any obligation 🙂
To summarize, I won’t have to pay anything, so not this 14.90, if I deduct the 5.- paid so far = 9.90 more
<span;>And I will benefit from the change for free, which seems normal to me because it is not me who is requesting a change
For the record: this is not going to change my life because my television is never on 😉