Madam, Sir, dear companions of the swisscom community,
I too am stunned by the tripling of the price of the blue TV S subscription, in exchange for new anecdotal services and without intérêt demonstrated for current customers.
The argument that this is simply the removal of obsolete subscriptions in favor of already updated offers is particularly dishonest: this approach made it possible to triple the price of the subscription behind a smoke screen, without alerting or old customers, nor the new ones, and once the smoke has cleared, to come and see that the old customers are paying a subscription that is far too advantageous. You had to dare!
But for 10.- more per month (14.90 instead of 5.-, to be precise), we’re not going to get angry, are we? Especially if we are given a gift of 1 month for 9.90?! Undoubtedly an approach to transmit to the newspaper “Bon à savoir” for its monthly column “Who are we kidding”.
But come on, don’t let this spoil anyone’s Ascension weekend! Best wishes, and good replay…