Das erste eigene Handy

First mobile phone

Your child’s first mobile phone is a source of heated discussion in many a family. When is the right time? The following questions will help you get started.

Media usage awareness

Ask yourself if your child is ready to have their own mobile phone. Does he or she use digital devices responsibly? Do they understand what data and photos they are allowed to share? Support your child and help them navigate the digital world safely. These tips (German) will help.

Define rules

Whether it’s 1 mobile-free day per week, set screen times or app filters: agree on media rules (German) together with your child. And take the opportunity to reflect on your own media consumption.

Parental controls

For added safety, you can also set up parental controls on their mobile. You can do this directly in your child’s phone settings (instructions for Apple or Android).

You can also use My Security's Family Manager to protect your child from online dangers. In the Security app, you can set content and time limits yourself.

Selecting the right mobile phone and subscription

Their first mobile phone doesn’t have to be new. Perhaps you have a used, but fully functional smartphone in a drawer somewhere. Or you can find a low-cost alternative among our kids’ or second-hand mobile phones. With the blue Kids Mobile subscription for 18-year-olds, your child has access to Switzerland’s best network and can be reached at any time.

Hint: they don’t always need a smartphone. With a smartwatch and our new blue Kids Watch subscription, you will always be able to contact your child without them requiring their own mobile phone.

Show original language (German)
changed by CorinaS
Illustration of a man with a laptop

thank you.

3 little things.

use a chaste DNS (filtering porn, as well as being anti-villain):

non-exhaustive list.


- presentation of this animal: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System

- example of the use of a command from the UNIX world (macOS, Linux, etc…) to find out the response time of a DNS: dig @ www.swisscom.ch | grep time (run once or twice to get a better idea).

- Answer: www.top10vpn.com/tools/what-is-my-dns-server

and it’s kind of you to have thought of the slightly stupid mobile phones:

in 4G / LTE so that the purchase is sustainable.

Finally, not forgetting the human side of things, a letter from a mother to her 11-year-old son about online pornography; in…

Show original language (French)
changed by merinos
6 months later

Have you seen it yet?

The Online Parents’ Evening will take place on November 14, 2023 at 8 p.m. on the topic of “The first smartphone for my child”.

The event is free and will be shown live on YouTube and on TV on blue Zoom D.

You can find more information here: [https://www.swisscom.ch/de/about/nachhaltigkeit/swisscom-campus/online-elternabend-erstes-smartphone.html](https://www.swisscom.ch/de/ about/nachhaltigkeit/swisscom-campus/online-elternabend-erstes-smartphone.html)

Show original language (German)

Liebe Grüsse / Salut et à bientôt / Ciao e a presto / Cheers, see you soon!

7 months later