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  • Since yesterday evening I no longer have any entries on the tablet. When loading, the error message “Error” appears briefly, followed by a blank image.

    The connection to the Swisscom TV-Box2 is via WLAN.

    This selection is perfectly available on the television.

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    • Lucky1 likes that.
    • The problem was solved after a few days with the update.

    I also have the same problem (only home screen, all other tabs work correctly) with my Samsung Galaxy S8+. According to the hotline, the problem is known and will be solved with an update to the app in the next few days.

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    @Gemadali wrote:

    According to the hotline, the problem is known and will be solved with an update to the app in the next few days.

    @SamuelD and @Swisscom:

    Changelog??? I know (unfortunately) that my comments are not wanted at all and will therefore just be ignored. That’s the only way you won’t solve the problems… Please finally bring transparency to the “updates” and finally bring the V2.x features back to the TV Air app!

    After 8 months, the app’s features are terrible - and it feels like nothing (big) is happening. Transparency in the changes could bring understanding among the users (yes, including me…). Thank you…

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    4 days later

    Thanks for the report. I have the same problem on both my Acer tablet with Android version 5.1 and my Sony mobile with Android version 6.0.1. It’s amazing that updates aren’t checked beforehand. Let’s see how long it takes for Swisscom to sort the matter out.

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    7 days later

    -> With my smartphone it was done automatically for me too.
    -> On the tablet I had to uninstall the Swisscom TV Air app and then reinstall it. After that it worked too.

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