internet box 2: problems with memory

  • I connected an HD with music for bluesound to the internet box 2 ma plug usb 2 and constantly had problems; The support from Canada says does the box have a stand-by mode for external devices? If so, you will therefore lose access to the music data; Unfortunately I can’t find any information about this; Does anyone have an answer, THANKS in advance, I’m a bit desperate with the Bluesound… urs

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      • Solutionselected by MiriamF

      You can switch to standby mode or Power-Safe mode in the WEB-GUI of the IB2 under Apps -> Deactivate central storage.

    If you enter in the browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox,…), you will be taken to the IB2 settings interface, known in technical language as WEB GUI (GUI = Graphical User Interface).

    There you have to switch on expert mode on the left and then select the “Applications” link.

    Then click on “Central Storage” and there you can uncheck “Automatic power saving mode for USB hard drives”.

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    HED, you’re so good… THANK YOU, goal achieved in no time; I was already in the right place, but I didn’t realize that with the expert mode, and I’m not one either 🙂 Now I’m excited to see what happens next. Greetings, Urs

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    It’s worth a try, it helped me. But I can’t guarantee that it will help in every case.

    The better solution anyway is if you use a NAS with Gigabit Ethernet Anschluss and connect it to the LAN Anschluss of the IB2.

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