Swisscom blue TV im Ausland: Schau deine Aufnahmen in der App

Swisscom blue TV abroad: watch your recordings in the app

Do you enjoy holidaying abroad but don’t want to miss out on Swisscom blue TV? If you follow our advice, you won’t have to do without blue TV while travelling abroad.

For legal reasons, Swisscom blue TV can only be received and watched live in Switzerland. However, you can view recordings abroad that you made prior to your departure.

View content offline

We recommend watching programmes offline on your smartphone or tablet. To do this, you record the programme at home and then download it – while still connected to your WLAN. You can then watch it back without an Internet connection. You can also view films you have purchased offline in the same way. Rented films are only available online.

We wish you happy holidays and lots of fun using with these tips.

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Illustration image of a woman with a laptop
5 days later
a month later

I wanted to get information about the TV Air app that I installed on the tablet, I don’t understand why every time I go abroad it tells me to log in and even though I’m not at home in front of the TV I don’t have the opportunity to see the recordings made. , the only login I can do is with my mobile number but I don’t have to find the recordings, what could I do? There are alternatives

Show original language (Italian)
4 months later

Good morning,

I used TV AIR in Thailand, it’s very practical but there are still a lot of bugs:

the image freezes and the sound remains

impossible to see certain programs or series especially on RTS: the image freezes very quickly!!!

Show original language (French)

How much data does that need in a WLAN? In most hotels, WiFi is included. But I think only for normal surfing. Otherwise there is an event. a big surprise when you leave.

Show original language (German)

There are no surprises. I have never seen additional payments due to “overuse” anywhere. The attempt is risk-free. Either the hotel WiFi has sufficient performance, or it doesn’t. Incidentally, only a stable 2-3 MBit/sec is required for TV Air.

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Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom

Was just abroad. TV Air via VPN on the IB2 worked perfectly. It is important that all data goes via the VPN (can be configured this way on macOS).

Show original language (German)
3 months later

Good morning,

I encountered this problem; but it’s not a bug, rather an internet connection problem either because of the speed; but more likely a very/too high latency (ping) problem. Especially from distant countries.

Show original language (French)
2 months later

For me it works perfectly with VPN abroad. But only with Firefox on Mac Book. To test it, you should definitely switch to a foreign network, as it doesn’t work for me at home.

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2 months later
6 days later

Hello Messietti46,

Were you able to resolve the issue or are you still having downloading issues? If this is still the case, you must check that there is sufficient space available on your terminal and, if necessary, download the application again.

Best regards

Show original language (French)
5 days later


I was recently abroad and it worked without any problems via VPN!

Maybe the problem is with your VPN connection. Can you access your Internet box externally without any problems?

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