Wi-Fi Calling mit Pixel 2 XL

  • The device and also the Android 8.1 can support Wi-Fi calling (instructions from Verizon on the Internet). My Swisscom subscription also includes it according to the brochure and I am on Swisscom’s “newest platform”.

    But I don’t even have access to the configuration in the settings.

    The assumption is that the device should be recognized on the network side, but Swisscom does not do this (not even at cockpit.swisscom.ch).

    Does anyone have a tip on how I can activate Wi-Fi calling?

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    • Hello @jstuker

      Advanced Calling currently does not work on the Google Pixel 2 XL with Swisscom. It is not known when this will happen.

      Greetings Samuel

    Hello @jstuker

    Where did you see that this device supports Advanced Calling from Swisscom?

    Did you receive an SMS message from Swisscom that Advanced Calling is now active for you?

    Greetings Samuel

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    The device can technically do it (e.g. from Verizon) and I now also know this from a Swisscom insider. But you haven’t activated Google’s reference device on the network. For what reason? Or please do.

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    17 days later
    a month later

    I would also like to activate WifiCalling on my Pixel 2 XL. Last week I received two text messages from you. In the first one I was informed that an “update of your Swisscom Mobile subscription” would take place within the next hour. 40 minutes later a text message came with the following text:

    “Your NATEL go subscription with new functions is now available to you. Benefit from the latest telephony experience with WiFi calling and VoLTE for free…”

    The SMS refers to www.swisscom.ch/advancedcalling, which again says “As soon as you meet the requirements for Advanced Calling, you will be informed via SMS.”

    However, despite restarting the Pixel 2 XL several times, I can’t find the setting. According to Google, the setting should be available in the call settings (where call waiting and caller ID can also be set).

    Is it possible that Swisscom has to send me a configuration SMS to activate the function on my cell phone?

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    a month later

    It will probably never come. Since Google only sells their devices purely without provider branding and that is usually out of the question for providers…

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    ….keep on rockin'

    14 days later


    Swisscom…. “the best network”, “test winner” and much more is being boasted about… well… unfortunately here, 500m away from the headquarters in Ittigen… you can dream about it…

    So WiFi calling… pixel 2 and other devices with the latest Android and demonstrably supported WiFi calling functionality, everything is available… that you then have to have the phone number activated separately, ok…

    …but then the disillusionment… 10 minutes later SMS: VoLTE not possible on this device……

    The correct text of the SMS would probably be: hey, your device supports VoLTE but we don’t want you to use the service and we don’t care that you have a bad network at home even though our network coverage map says otherwise. Make sure you buy a device that you can buy from us…

    More pure Android isn’t possible but no… the big “innovator” is blocking it again…. probably because the device doesn’t have a Swisscom OS on it… (or have you stopped with this nonsense in the meantime?)

    thank you swisscom!!

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    @zik73 Maybe use the search here in the forum. I have already explained this several times. At the moment, more and more manufacturers are adding the necessary settings to their devices in the “open market” firmware. These include Nokia, Samsung, Huawei, Sony, etc.

    We are very interested in ensuring that as many devices as possible can use VoLTE and WiFi calling. We ask all device manufacturers with whom we have a business relationship to record the settings. And it works better and better. But always remember that manufacturers can also have different firmware versions for each region. Therefore, devices from other parts of the world will not necessarily work.

    I’ll talk to my colleagues again to see if we can achieve something at Google.

    And about the internet: send me your exact location via PM. Then I let my network colleagues look at it. Indoor supply is not easy, as it is becoming more and more difficult with all the new houses in Switzerland. In addition, unfortunately we cannot always build a missing antenna because, as you can read every day, there are always objections that always delay this.

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    • 17 likes that.

    Hello Guido T

    Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it when someone from management obviously mingles with the “foot soldiers”.

    Guido, rest assured… I know search functions and F1 keys and search engines on the Internet AND use them. Because if you use it without first reading through dozens of SC posts on the same topic, the first thing you notice is that my Pixel 2, for example, of course supports WiFi calling.

    As I understand it is solely up to the provider to activate the function. So I conclude from many posts I have read that the “problem” is yours if WiFi calling and VoLTE are not available.

    Regarding network:

    I know the topic reasonably well and have already supported various in-house solutions as a client or in the product evaluation of Repeater…

    It is all the more incomprehensible if a function that would defuse the issue is not activated for device manufacturers (from whom you cannot receive kickbacks).

    Have a nice day

    Show original language (German)
    11 days later

    So if I look at the Android git and interpret it correctly, Google already includes the provider-specific settings in the source code. The numbers correspond to MCC MNC.

    Swisscom is of course not represented here (22801).

    [https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/apps/CarrierConfig/+/master/assets/](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/apps/CarrierConfig/+/master/assets /)

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    Swisscom-specific IMS (VoLTE and VowiFi) settings are available in the freely accessible 3GPP database. Any manufacturer can use these. But we can’t force anyone to do it. I can’t say why Google doesn’t do this. And yes, if someone integrates the settings, then we still have to release (test) the device. We are interested in as many devices as possible on VoLTE. Need I say more?

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    • Hli likes that.

    @Anonymous wrote:

    ….We are interested in as many devices as possible on VoLTE. Need I say more?

    But that would also have to be the case for Wingo, M-Budget, Simplymobile, as the Swisscom network is also…

    Strategic or IT “problem”?

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    ….keep on rockin'

    Hello @Anonymous

    I tried to find something about this on 3gpp.org. Unfortunately without success. May I receive one or the link(s)?

    I also have the following questions:

    1. Has Swisscom, as a provider such as the Pixel 2 in this case, explicitly blocked it, or has the provider implemented measures that prevent the Pixel 2 and other devices from using the “WiFi calling” “VoLTE” function even though these devices support the functions?

    2. What are the reasons why Swisscom (if at all necessary and in keeping with the times) doesn’t already “input” these directly into android.com via carrier.config so that every device per se already has the necessary settings?

    https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrier related to @“[deleted]”'s demand #65


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    Sorry, I don’t have the link. The colleague from technology who works on these topics told me. A trustworthy source for me.

    And I’ve already answered the rest X times. Just search in the forum.

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    It’s a shame that the two simple questions aren’t answered… Instead of telling you where to look everywhere, you could simply write yes/no to the first question, and to the second (for which I don’t have ANY similar question or advice in this context could find) make a short statement.

    The point of the link is not to question whether a source is trustworthy or not. I just want to read it.

    I can’t shake the impression that you’re trying to come up with 1000 other “reasons” in order not to have to offer services (which you advertise for your own product range and preferred manufacturers) to customers who don’t have devices from manufacturers where money flows…

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    20 days later

    After 20 days, I can’t shake the impression that people are trying to wait out the topic… in the hope that it will become unnecessary at some point…

    Well… My questions are still unanswered and recognized experts in Switzerland, e.g. B. Ralf Beyeler (moneyland.ch) comments on the topic as follows:

    “Unfortunately, Swisscom has an incomprehensible strategy when it comes to WifiCalling. Apparently there are also devices that were bought on the open market and work with Swisscom’s WifiCalling. Another topic is that WifiCall is fundamentally blocked by Swisscom in foreign WLANs has been made.”

    Maybe Swisscom can still bring itself to answer the customer’s open questions.

    Have a nice evening everyone

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    You are primarily in a “customers helping customers” forum and not in an official Swisscom channel. This means that representatives of Swisscom occasionally read this, but there is no right to an official response in a timely manner.

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