Finally someone comes forward. I have written to OCS more than five times via their help page on OCS.fr with no response. They don’t care about their customers at all. But if you write to them too, maybe they will do something?
I finally received a message from ocs 10 days ago to tell me that there was an update. But that didn’t help anything. I communicated this to them but no reaction.
On the Swisscom side, we say that this is not their problem. And Teleclub? It’s still them who broadcast them!
And couldn’t the moderators here support us so that Teleclub puts pressure on OCS?
In any case, I’m counting on you to also write to OCS. Thanks in advance.
Cordialement, Prelude
No, it’s not because of your Apple TV box 4 K. It’s the OCS app on the Swiss Apple store. But there must be something stuck between Teleclub (Swisscom) and OCS.
But swisscom washes its hands of it, it’s not their problem they told me, and OCS doesn’t really care. They don’t respond to messages sent to them. If once to report an update that didn’t fix anything. And they had the nerve to ask me to answer a questionnaire to say if I was happy with their Hotline.
Cordialement, Prelude
Cordialement, Prelude
Good morning,
I just received a message from OCS support:
Good morning,
Our technical teams have made a modification to our servers. Can you tell us if you can now start playing our programs on Apple TV (Streaming and Live).
Thank you and have a nice day
Lily, OCS Support
Could anyone check and tell me if it works now? You would have to close or better uninstall the app and reinstall it then reconnect.
I’m away these days and I can’t test. THANKS.
Cordialement, Prelude