Entertainment OS3: a new software version for your TV-Box UHD and HD

Hello everyone,

A new software version is available and will be distributed in stages over the next two weeks to all customers with a TV-Box UHD or HD.

The following innovations await our customers:

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Personal Universe: the Swisscom TV team

As each household watches TV according to its preferences, we will introduce the possibility with Entertainment OS3 to adapt the start screen to your needs. Thanks to new themes, everyone can individually create their favorite styles on TV. Detective series, universes for children or documentaries: there is something for everyone. You can now directly access myCloud and your images or videos via the start screen, all in a new modern Entertainment OS3 design.

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More content, more information

Swisscom TV now gives you even more content and detailed information about a show. Inform yourself by discovering the biographies of your favorite actor and easily find other shows with them, or use the new series page to immediately find out on which channels your favorite series is broadcast. In this context, we have thought of series fans in particular: we collect all available episodes of a series on one page and classify them according to season and episodes.

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Easy Search: the best search on TV-Box

Thanks to the new search function, it is even easier to find content. Search is error tolerant and forgiving of small spelling mistakes, makes intelligent suggestions, can search your records and classifies all results with image and text. You can also adapt the search language according to the content that interests you. Voice search is of course always available to you. So that you find everything you are looking for.

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Smart Remote: the clever remote control (UHD only)

Your TV-Box not only understands what you say, but you can also command it by voice. You can change channels or apps (“I want to watch YouTube”) or navigate to a domain in TV-Box (“Show me my recordings”). All in your native language. For a list of supported orders, please visit our info page www.swisscom.ch/smartremote.

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New apps for Swisscom TV (UHD only)

Thanks to the new software update, a whole series of interesting and long-awaited applications will be available on your TV-Box, starting with the 7TV application which presents the media libraries of many private German channels such as ProSieben, Sat.1 or kabel eins. At the end of November, all Bundesliga matches will be available to watch on your screen with the Sky app. Interesting new arrivals will follow until the end of the year. Let yourself be surprised!


The new software will generally be installed over the next two weeks on your TV-Box.

For UHD, it has the number 2.76.9 (visible under “Settings” > “System” > “Preview”).

For HD, it has the number 1.76.9 (visible under “Settings” > “System” > “Preview”).


Show original language (French)

Good morning,

I am delighted to see this. Or maybe I won’t see it?
You say on the HD boxes. What about UHD boxes?

Good day.

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Cordialement, Prelude

Good morning,

As far as I’m concerned, for the UHD box, I wasn’t impressed by the first tests…

Indeed after the short announcement film, the box displayed a black screen, then no sound, every 10 seconds.

I restarted the box…

Then no more programs (still the message: loading… for all channels)

New reboot…

And now it seems to work. Knock on wood. If so, those were my last reboots:winking:

For the rest, the presentation is cleaner, optional display of all the recordings in a series, more readable. We will have to see how it is used…

Show original language (French)

At first glance, the disappearance of the small logos indicating the availability of the replay (in the epg guide) disturbed me a little… This is perhaps the only criticism I can make of this new interface.

For the rest it’s pretty good. The whole thing seems more ergonomic to me.

Using a Harmony remote, I don’t really take advantage of the “voice control” part, although little or no interest in this option.
Moreover, the whole thing seems more responsive to me and makes navigation much more pleasant.

If I had to make one or more modifications, it would perhaps be to add the possibility of choosing the size of the interface display, especially the characters which could be reduced. And possibly adjust its opacity.

This is my first impression, rather positive.

Show original language (French)

Good morning,

I just received the new Entertainment OS3 software version.

Well, frankly, I’m extremely disappointed! The new graphics are extremely ugly (for example the list of programs, with all its features, is reminiscent of something made by a child of five or six years old) and the other changes are singularly lacking in user-friendliness (a cat can often be found there). not his little ones). In short, a complete failure!

Show original language (French)

Good evening I got it this morning after a blockage I did a whole reset and left I am with the year Now the display From before I did all the resets even that of the router the same I went back to the ’an Version

Show original language (French)

Good morning,

No, I’m much less critical. I find that the presentation is prettier, more modern and more readable too.

The only thing that I still really miss is, like in the first box, the possibility of watching the images of the programs live, from the list of programs (and not just to the left of the main image and only for a few seconds , as is, in my opinion unnecessarily, the case now)

And I ultimately don’t understand why you have to press this button each time to see the rest of the list of recorded episodes… (even if sometimes there are no others)

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I don’t know why each time it blocks and I have to do a reset and it comes back to the version from before yesterday it’s the same today also I think its bug too someone can answer me on this subject of os3 on tv thank you

Show original language (French)

Hello Wallace,

I think it is best to call the Swisscom Hotline 0800 800 800.

However, after trying to remove the plug from the Swisscom TV box for 30 seconds. Another possibility, with a toothpick or a paper clip to insert into the hole marked Reset under the box while holding it down for 30 seconds as well

Possibly do the same with the Internet box.


Show original language (French)

Cordialement, Prelude

Good morning,

I would like to report an important bug regarding search results.

For certain shows (storage wars, guinea pig, etc.), there is no longer the channel logo, which is very unpleasant given that the search results also give shows that are not part of our bouquet, which should can be selected.

It would be very interesting to have only the broadcasts from our bouquet in the results or to be able to select this setting. In addition, having offers of shows that you cannot watch is also unpleasant in terms of themes.

We will also need to be able to know the channels in our bouquet when we create the list of favorites, because it is extremely complicated to find them.

Thank you for the improvements you are making and may make.

Show original language (French)

Good evening @Wallace,

Following an error, several TV-Box have the old version of the OS again. During this night, the affected TV-Box will receive optimization in OS3. Sorry for this inconvenience.

Beautiful evening

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