Problems with continuous shooting
For some time now I’ve noticed a change in shooting behavior when taking continuous shots (two different problems). Does anyone know whether these are malfunctions or whether Swisscom has actually made “worse improvements”? What it’s about:
1. Until now, Swisscom TV 2.0 always recognized when I had recorded a complete season on a certain channel during a series recording, but, for example, deleted episode 7 due to a recording problem, and then only recorded the corresponding episode as soon as a repeat of this season was shown on the same channel (sometimes a year or more later). Furthermore, it didn’t matter when the episode ran (whether at 8 p.m. or in the middle of the night). Under Recordings/Series I then found the subsequently recorded program in the same “folder” as the other programs.
Recently I noticed that my recording memory was completely filled, even though I had hardly programmed any new programs. The reason: suddenly, when series recording is activated (which is actually used to record new or missing episodes), all episodes are simply recorded again, even those that already exist, which means I have to check everything and delete duplicate recorded episodes manually. That’s annoying. Especially because there is no option for the recorded series to be sorted by episode, but only chronologically by recording date (which could really be improved!). The fact that Swisscom TV 2.0 was previously smart enough to automatically recognize which episodes were still missing was really perfect. It would be acceptable if that were the case again.
2. Another problem occurred with a series that I wanted to record on SixxHD. As usual, I simply clicked series recording on one of the broadcasts. But unfortunately only those episodes were recorded that were shown at the exact time (e.g. at 4 p.m.). Any broadcasts on the same channel but at different times of the day were not recorded. The attempt to activate series recording at every broadcast time resulted in a separate folder being created under recordings/series for each broadcast date, and so the overview of episodes that had already been recorded was completely lost. In the end I had around 20 individual recordings and subfolders, but no way to merge them to make things clearer. Is there a solution for this?