Hello ZoéC,
Thank you for answering me. Unfortunately, I don’t see the item in question in the menu.
By tapping Settings above I get the following left menu:
In which “E-mail” is singular and “Disk space used” does not appear.
What you describe reminds me of what we saw in the previous version of webmail.
How do I get this information in the new version?
Or should we use another menu? If so, where is it located?
Best regards,
- Solutionselected by UglyYoda
Thank you ZoéC,
It’s found. But not sure that this way of designing menus and submenus is very intuitive.
In principle when a menu consists of submenus, the submenus are supposed to provide all the information and the main menu item only displays the submenus.
Regardless, I have what I need.
Thanks again,
2 years later