@Weunteuckau47 Thanks for the feedback. But a bit surprising, because in the first post you wrote that you had also tested with Swisscom and the result was also bad?!
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Digital Republic on the Sunrise network.I would advise against the monoband antenna, as one band alone rarely offers enough bandwidth.
The other linked antenna looks almost too good for its size. Such a small antenna can’t actually have that much gain.
Ideal for such applications are LPDA, which has the appropriate bandwidth and gain, e.g. two of these:
[ dp/B00FVAGXB4)
It is also important to have the shortest possible coax with low losses, otherwise this will eat away at the antenna gain.
And then of course a router that can serve multiple bands at the same time, i.e. at least LTE Category 8.The CellMapper may help you [Map](https://www.cellmapper.net/map?MCC=228&MNC=1&type=LTE&latitude=46.1433106416647&longitude=8.80421565730321&zoom=13.88627207 7404199&showTowers=true&showIcons=true&showTowerLabels=true&clusterEnabled=true&tilesEnabled=true&showOrphans=false&showNoFrequencyO nly=false&showFrequencyOnly=false&showBandwidthOnly=false&DateFilterType=Last&showHex=false&showVerifiedOnly=false&showUnverifiedOnl y=false&showLTECAOnly=false&showENDCOnly=false&showBand=0&showSectorColours=true&mapType=roadmap&darkMode=false&imperialUnits=false) something. Here you can view the different providers and technologies.
Gruss TomatoTec
@Weunteuckau47 wrote:
I don’t think this will work for holiday apartments.
I don’t need it to work or anything, so it’s a rather cheap option.
But at least there, the connection should be significantly better (also according to Sunrise/Swisscom).
Maybe you can ask!
Swisscom makes the regulated basic services available in every residential or commercial space in Switzerland upon explicit customer request. The individual customer who wants to conclude a service contract with Swisscom (i.e. not the building owner) is eligible.
Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.
Whether basic supplies are also mandatory for holiday apartments?
N.B. (TV is not part of the basic service).
Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.
Alternatively, you could also come up with the idea of taking advantage of Swisscom’s basic service obligation, which from 2024 for the Internet connection is currently 80/8 Mbit/sec down/up and a maximum price of CHF 60/month.
Swisscom would then have to take care of the type of technology to be used.
Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom
Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.
Yes, I know about Cell-Lock and the straps. But it’s actually not necessary for you to set something up as a private customer. As I said, that’s just how it is with mobile communications. If you only have a bad network with all providers, you can’t do anything and don’t expect any miracles in terms of speed, band change or not. At least not via mobile communications.
So the way you imagine it doesn’t work. You can’t simply force the mobile router or smartphone to use a specific antenna. The devices, including the frequencies, do this themselves. If the reception or speed no longer allows, it becomes difficult. You can only try a different provider to see if it is better or place the router on a different page or window. Above all, you never know which operator operates an antenna, at least not on the Bakom site. There can be various reasons why the device does not connect to the transmitter in San Nazzaro. Aimed at another side, etc. Maybe it’s not a Swisscom or Sunrise antenna. There is also salt.