TTonauyi497 days agoPost no. 1 Thursday, March 13, 2025 2:48 PMproblem recording in draftWhile I’m writing a text, it doesn’t save properly in Draft. Only part of the text is saved. What’s more, if I send the message at the end, it often ends up incomplete in the draft sector or is not sent to the recipient. What can I do about this? Show original language (French)
WalterB7 days agoPost no. 2 Thursday, March 13, 2025 2:52 PMThe best option, if possible, would be to install Thunderbird. ThunderbirdShow original language (German)Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.
DanielD7 days agoPost no. 3 Thursday, March 13, 2025 8:07 PMTonauyi49 First empty the browser cache.Show original language (French)
Chris BE5 days agoPost no. 4 Saturday, March 15, 2025 2:52 PMTonauyi49 I’ve probably been having the same problem (synchronising and saving drafts) for a few days now. Posted to the community after noon today. Do you still have the problem or has it been solved in the meantime? Show original language (German)
Tonauyi49 Pendant que je rédige un texte, la sauvegarde dans Brouillon ne se fait pas correctement. Seule une partie du texte est enregistrée. De plus, si j’envoie le message à la fin de sa rédaction, souvent il se retrouve incomplet dans le secteur brouillon ou n’est pas envoyé à son destinataire. Que faire ?
Chris BE Tonauyi49 Ich habe seit einigen Tagen vermutlich das selbe Problem (Synchronisation und Speichern von Entwürfen). Heute nach dem Mittag in die Community gestellt. Besteht das Problem bei dir weiterhin oder ist das Problem unterdessen gelöst?