Hi everyone,
this morning a van parked in front of our home, and worked on the Swisscom equipment located under the asphalt, just a few meters away from where the cables get inside of the building.

I had already been advised by Swisscom that my VDSL2 connection would be offline this morning, and I was curious to see what effects any changes would have on my internet speed.
Until this morning, my Zyxel XMG3297-B50A would sync at 120M down 40M up, using VDSL2 Annex B and profile 17a.
After the work was completed, my Zyxel synced again with the same protocol and profile, but this time the speed went up to 146M down and 51M up, yippie!
Nothing major, but still any increase in speed is welcome!
I then decided to go on the Swisscom address checker, and found this out for my address:

Ah, so faster speed is available! 525M down and 120M up mean G.fast, since VDSL2 profile 35b does max 300M/100M, right?
And since I already have Internet M, a higher speed would in fact be possible per my contract, up to 300M down and 100M up:

This would of course mean that I could run either G.fast or VDSL2 profile 35b, and since my Zyxel supports both, I should be negotiating 300M down and 100M up pretty easily, considering that there is at most a distance of 15m of copper between my router and the box in the street.
Maybe not G.fast, as the 500M/100M of Internet L is not available, so maybe it’s “just” VDSL2 profile 35b…
Still, I tried to see if my router could negotiate profile 35b or G.fast, but it did not.
I am still on VDSL2 profile 17a and 146M/51M.
Can anyone here tell me if Swisscom needs to change something on the configuration of my port to allow the faster protocols and speed to be negotiated?
Many thanks for any comment you might have!
Bye, Luca