Swisscom schützt vor Phishing-SMS
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10 days later

@ChristianG could you please answer Chips’ question? Thanks LG MirkoP

I would like to know exactly how this filter works. What’s strange to me is that before this filter was introduced, I received a phishing SMS about every 3-5 days. But every day since its introduction. Unfortunately I can’t add an example here, the texts are perverse and too clear. By the way, all numbers start with 044. Blocking doesn’t really help because the numbers change every day.

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21 days later


Regarding point 2: “I didn’t give it enough thought”

This is very dangerous if you browse the Internet thoughtlessly. Before every click, for example on links in emails or websites, you should think about the possible consequences. The greatest danger when using modern media comes from the user. The provider can only contribute to a limited extent; the behavior of the person in front of the screen is much more important.

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6 days later
11 days later

Hello Swisscom

please answer the questions about the effectiveness of your new filter. I’ve been getting text messages like this recently too. And no, they would be easy to filter. Almost too easy…

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6 months later

I have a fake one today

Received a text message from UPS and clicked on the link by mistake. What do I have to do now? I have already deleted the text message.

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@POGO 1104

If I may say so, I think it’s bold to say that there’s “hardly anything to worry about” on a cell phone!

Just because the majority of cell phone users probably do not have any protection software installed and would therefore not even detect a possible malware infection, does not mean that there is no malware for mobile platforms!

Think about it: If you were a “nasty purche” - would you write malware for the 7 Linux users on the Internet, or would you rather write malware for billions of Android devices?

btw: I’m writing this on my notebook with Debian 11 (so I’m one of the 7 Linux users) 😁

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What happened immediately after clicking on the link? Did a website open where you filled something out or was an app installed or any purchase made or a paid service activated?

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