New myCloud offers from 5 October 2021

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Smartphone functions and how we use them have changed dramatically in recent years. With better mobile phones and cameras, the quality of photos and videos is constantly improving. They also use more storage space, so most mobile phone users choose to save their data in a cloud they can access from anywhere, rather than on the device itself.


Swisscom has fundamentally revised its myCloud offering to keep pace with online storage requirements.


What is changing?

The myCloud offer has been standardised and now allows storage of large files up to 20 GB. All subscriptions have the same features and include a computer backup function. The only difference in the options available now is the storage space, which is subject to a charge from 10 GB.


> Go to the new Swisscom myCloud subscriptions


For existing myCloud customers

For existing myCloud customers, the current subscriptions are valid until the end of January 2022. Your photos, videos and files will be stored securely until then. All existing myCloud customers will be contacted personally from October with more information about their current storage usage and the new subscriptions. You don't have to take any action meantime. If you decide to switch to a new subscription before then, you can do so at any time.

Liebe Grüsse

Joël Viotti
Liebe Grüsse

Joël Viotti
1 Comment 1
Level 2
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Very sad news indeed.


Free, Swiss hosted MyCloud was putting Swisscom far ahead of competition and was one single reason why I stayed with Swisscom inOne Mobile package and dropped Google and Microsoft cloud storage solutions.


Now we all get the same offering in terms of functionality, but no longer consider it as part of the inOne mobile package.


Not sure if it's reasonable considering constantly dropping costs of data storage.


Best wishes

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